Saturday, 19 November 2011

Yet another light-bulb moment

I was in Homebase again today buying light-bulbs.  This time for the fridge.  I have already been through another round of candle-bulb replacement since my recent blog post on the subject.  In fact, one of those bulbs broke the record by lasting a staggering 10 minutes.

So, after a bit of aisle scanning, I found the bulb I was looking for; conveniently labelled 'Fridge Bulb'; 15W, small Edison screw-cap; single-bulb packet, £4.69.

And then I noticed a rack of similar looking bulbs on the peg above; only these were labelled 'Pygmy Bulbs'.  On closer inspection, it transpired that these were not only similar to the 'Fridge Bulb'; they were unmistakably identical.  Same bulb, same wattage, same packaging, only 'Pygmy Bulbs' come in a packet of two.  Price?  £4.69.
